Arrival (Ithaka #6)

My sixth and last piece in the Ithaka series is called Arrival. The word seems to indicate some kind of finality. However I don't think that is necessarily true. Arrival can be a longer pause in the journey; or a time to rest and reflect before taking the next step or following the next path.
As I wrote on the quilt itself, does the journey every really end? If we take the example of our Viewpoints group, we have arrived at the end of one cycle, and are getting ready to start the next. We are possibly going through a period of reflection before starting to create again.

The two words, Ithaka and Arrival, have extra wadding underneath the letters, so they show in slight relief.

Digital design, collaged lettering, printed on fabric, layered and machine quilted. 27" x 43".
Alicia Merrett, March 2024.