Mercè González
50% of Desedamas
Barcelona, Spain
As the poem Ithaca by Constantin Kavafis says, I am inside the journey, hoping that it will be long and take me to unknown places, that will surprise me. I travel grateful to have the ability to continue to be emotional.
Years ago we undertook this journey with my sister and, looking back, I am impressed with where we are and the potential we have to develop. In addition, we have achieved a synergy in which we feed off each other's creativity and make us get the best out of each other.
I move between two worlds. I have been learning calligraphy and Chinese painting on paper for years. On the other hand, I am passionate about silk painting, color and the possibilities it has given me to develop my work. What attracts me to oriental art is the simplicity of the lines, the balance, the fullness and the emptiness, the search for the essence. It’s where I find myself: in that search and in what each one of my passions can contribute to the other in my works.