Forest Therapy - by Lin Hsin-Chen
I love walking in the forest and having the healing experience of spiritual awakening. Phytoncides given off by green plants help to...
Let me breathe
Mercè González 79cm W x 115cm L (45"x31") Water is so important for our lives and we take so little care of it! We have created seas of...
The political filter
Cecília González 109cm W x 109cm L (43"x43") Integration is the act of joining, incorporating and/or interweaving parts to form part of a...
Empty Fullness 텅빈 충만 by Misik Kim
It’s the first work of the new challenge “ Integration” Empty space…. the fullness felt in the space… The writing of the late Buddhist...
Lisa-Marie Sanders It’s been quite a while since I made any artwork. Feeling rusty, I went back to a basic method I enjoy: piecing. I...
INTEGRATION - inspiration and background
The 20th century was a period of tremendous artistic innovation, political change, and social transformation in Latin America. Latin...
Carrick Bend
For the "Integration" series, I chose to depict several ways two or more things can be joined together. In this case, two double ropes...
Village - Integration series - the process
It took me a long time to decide on how to approach the topic for this series, but that will be the subject of another publication....
Martha Wolfe
A Newspaper by Martha Wolfe
A Newspaper, the answer to the old riddle - what's black and white and red/read all over? But newspapers are a dying media form and...
Alicia Merrett
Weaving the Rainbow - Alicia Merrett
I considered a number of different ideas on the theme of integration, but eventually returned to my favourite subject: colour. Years ago...