Martha Wolfe
Daze, #2
Daze, #2 ©2022, 40" x 41" Daze, #2 is my fifth installment in my Wandering series. It is another reflection on my pandemic experience and...

Contrasting Texture
The latest in my series on CONTRAST, this piece combines two techniques that I enjoy, despite my lack of experience: knitting and pieced...

Old Feelings III by Teresita Leal
The idea of a new post-pandemic world is undoubtedly appealing, but it will still be inhabited by the old feelings that inspire this...

World Peace - by Lin Hsin-Chen
Living in an out-of-control world, people panic and feel anxiety and sadness because of wars, viruses, extreme weather, and natural or...

by Sue Dennis 35cm W x 103cm L [13 ¾ ”x 40 ½”] My walks along the beach reveal many things washed up with the tides. Shells, sea weed of...

Welcoming 2 New Viewpoints!
"Sunrise, Moonrise" by Merce Gonzales "The Difference" by Cecilia Gonzalez We're delighted to welcome our newest members to Viewpoints,...

Diverted by new things
I have been dabbling in trying new forms of expression. Palm inflorescences can be used for 2 dimensional wall hangings or wrapped/woven...