MEMORIES by Teresita Leal
As we journey through life towards Ithaka, we're enriched by experiences that over time become memories. At first, they are colorful and...

Being Simple is Being Good - by Lin Hsin-Chen
Embrace simplicity. There is no need to show how smart and capable you are. Enjoy being simple and dealing with daily life at ease. Take...

by Sue Dennis 66cm W x 102cm L [26” x 40”] The Lost City in Litchfield National Park is made up of silent, mysterious, towering rock...

Alicia Merrett
The Wisdom of Learning
The Ithaka poem stresses the importance of learning from scholars over many years, so on arrival you will be wealthy with the knowledge...

Penelope crossroads
Cecília González 130cm W x 117cm L (51"x46") Like everyone else, Penelope faces many crossroads. Hers are not easy. She is the wife of...