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The Eco Town in the Woods by the Y River

Journeys are full of possibilities: discovering new places, meeting different people, eating different food. When I think of possibilities, I often think of travelling.

But what if we could travel to undiscovered places – places of our imagination, with characteristics we wish real places could have?

With this in mind I made “The Eco-Town in the Woods by the Y River”. A town where all the buildings are constructed with sustainable materials, and ecological goals in mind, using the energy of the sun, the wind, or the heat of the earth, for those things than need electricity and warmth. A town in the middle of thick woods, where the trees are not all cut down, only a few to make space for the houses; the rest surround the town like a protective mantle. Houses surrounded by organic flower and vegetable gardens; a town by a river that provides water and space for recreation.

Why not? We could have towns like that if we joined together and worked towards such goals.

Freehand cut and improvisationally pieced, machine quilted. Hand-dyed fabrics. 18” by 36”.

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