Lisa-Marie Sanders
Alternate Reality
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I...

Kate Themel
A Little Imagination Goes a Long Way
I really struggled with the "POSSIBILITIES" challenge. It's so all-encompassing, I had no idea where to start. All the what-ifs swirled...

Sue Dennis
Wouldn't it be nice
Sometimes the first idea that springs to mind, is the best to go with. It was the case with this quilt! As I thought of the challenge of...

Sue Dennis
It has been interesting to look at possibilities with surface design techniques for this challenge. I love to create my own backgrounds...

Alicia Merrett
Possibilities, possibilities...
Possibilities seem to open like a tree in front of me, or like branching roads on a map. Travelling offers a lot of possibilities to...