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Weaving the Rainbow - Alicia Merrett

I considered a number of different ideas on the theme of integration, but eventually returned to my favourite subject: colour.


Years ago I spent a lot of time studying the ideas and concepts of Johannes Itten and Josef Albers about colour.  Albers said that  every color has the power to change every other color placed next to it. He wrote extensively on the interaction of colour, and how it is affected by light, context, intention.

The rainbow was described by Newton as containing seven colours, seven being a number of mystical significance. The agreed standard colours are, in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. But the spectrum is continuous, so there are actually an unlimited number of colours. Most people can see a lot more colours, up to a hundred. On a very quick look, I can immediately see turquoise between blue and green, wine red after red, and a range of oranges between red and yellow.

So here is my first piece for the Integration cycle.

Alicia Merrett, Weaving the Rainbow, 42" x 32", digitally designed, printed on fabric, layered and stitched.


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