Lisa-Marie Sanders
Internal Combustion
I was so excited when Martha posed the Energy challenge. My stash is filled with vibrant colored fabric that I thought would be perfect...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Alternate Sources
I've mentioned before that my mother-in-law is Icelandic. We visited there as a family years ago and I fell in love with the rugged...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
The Joy of Spring
Recently I’ve been thinking about my fabric scraps: wondering why I’ve kept them and how I’d ever use them (assuming I could even find...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Two ends of the Spectrum
My mother-in-law introduced me to quilting. She is a traditional quilter and loves old style patterns and blocks. Although I loved...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Magic Beans
We vacationed in Hawaii years ago and found a local coffee roaster that shipped their coffee to the mainland US. We happily signed up for...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Morning Joe
I remember the first cappuccino I ever had. It was long before there were Starbucks stores on every corner. A friend who had lived in...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Man-Made Structures
A wise friend once told me that if you look for evil you can find it everywhere, but if you look for good, you can find IT everywhere....
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Structural Integrity
​​Having just survived hurricane Irma, it's logical that my first interpretation of structure would be buildings. Furthermore, my mother...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Fish and Family
My son is a masterful fisherman. He knows where to fish, what each fish eats and how they pursue their food. He’s a great instructor too....
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Rich with Meaning
I read Hsin-Chen’s Line challenge while I was sitting outside enjoying a warm summer day. After reading, my eyes went directly to the...