Alicia Merrett
Aspects of Wind
Wind is something I think about daily. It is particularly important now that I live next to the countryside. There are many aspects to...

Alicia Merrett
Islands of Paradise
The plastic pollution of the oceans is in our minds every day through the news, television and social media. My first idea was to make a...

Alicia Merrett
Butterflies and Hummingbirds
So many things of wonder in this living planet! The bundles of colour flying around on a sunny day make me gasp and feel so happy. Green...

Alicia Merrett
Weather and Rainbows
The weather is the most popular topic of conversation in England. Not surprising, as the weather here is so variable, and it rains a lot,...

Alicia Merrett
Fire and Water
Fire and water are primordial sources of energy, and they have been crucial in the building of our civilization. As I said in my earlier...