Welcoming 2 New Viewpoints!

"Sunrise, Moonrise" by Merce Gonzales

"The Difference" by Cecilia Gonzalez
We're delighted to welcome our newest members to Viewpoints, artist sisters and fellow SAQA members, Cecilia and Merce Gonzalez. Merce and Cecilia live near Barcelona, Spain and have created together for years as Desedamas. Individually, they will each bring a new viewpoint to our group! They will be stepping into our "A New World" series with our 5th gallery with their selected personal themes: Cecilia/Agender and Merce/Essence. We're all looking forward to getting to know Merce and Cecilia better and learning more about their art and art practice.
You can learn more about Cecilia and find links to her social media on her Artist's Page . And learn more about Merce and find her social media links on her Artist's Page.