Diane Wright
Sea Level Rise
Sea Level Rise 2018 was the fourth hottest year on record. One of the results of this phenomenon is that the melted icecaps produce...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Urban Decay
My husband is a huge car fan and I often get drafted into watching automobile programs on TV. A few weeks ago, we were watching a show...
Kate Themel
Cut Out of the Picture
You can't un-cut a quilt. I use the holes in this quilt to represent extinct species. They leave an empty space in the ecosystem, which...
Mary Mattimoe
Driving Thoughts
This beautiful artwork features textiles and the english countryside.
Betty Busby
The Vanishing
The first thing that leapt to mind when thinking about irreversibility was the havoc that climate change is wreaking on our vulnerable...
Lin Hsin-Chen
Coastal Erosion
Sea level has been rising due toclimate change. Taiwan, surrounded by the sea, is shrinkingbecause ofcoastal erosion. The hollow rock is...
Sue Dennis
91.5cm long x 60cm wide (36in x 23.5in) The irreversible march of time is like the flow of a river. A river begins with a drop at the...
Mary Mattimoe
Flowing Forward
Hello, I am Mary Mattimoe. I am here as a guest artist for Alicia Merrett. The unfolding of my life story is irreversible. I move every...
Misik Kim
Many choices
We make many choices in our lives. A good choice or a regretful choice...... An irrevocable past I am made up of many choices of the past...
Martha Wolfe
a long goodbye...
When I was born, my brother Lincoln was not quite 2, so I'm sure he felt I was a bit of an intruder....can't help that. We weren't...